Seldom in life do you meet a unique individual that is loved by everyone. This is Bartender Ben. His southern expressions, his smile, his willingness to jump in and help out.
Ben moved to the Valley about 5 months ago and if you hear Ben tell the story, you would think he has lived here all his life.
When Ben tells the story about his 1/2 birthday party at Claudette's house, it can bring tears to your eyes. Although Ben loves bartending at the Valley, Ben works full time for a large corporation that is closing their plant here in Atlanta. On Monday Ben received the news that he is being transferred to Indiana.
Now we could all sit around and look gloomy, or we could throw Ben a great party. So with little planning and lots of love, the members, staff and management of Paradise Valley will be holding a wild and crazy going away party for Ben this Saturday in the lodge. The Party starts at 9pm and goes until ???
Join Ben and his friends for a great send off. This will be Ben's last weekend at the Valley.