What a year it has been. During 2006 we have seen so many changes at the Valley. The condos are almost complete, the new sewer treatment plant is progressing on schedule and the improvements in and around the club are starting to show.
Tonight we have a big party in the lodge, followed by a midnight breakfast. If you are not sure how you will spend your New Years Eve, come join the party at Paradise Valley.
The big news is the web site and newsletter distribution. Starting next week, if you would like to visit our website, please go to www.ParadiseValleyClub.com or www.VisitParaidseValley.com for more information. The new site should be up and operational by January 11th.
Another big change is the method our newsletters will be distributed. Starting on January 11th, we will be asking everyone to sign up for the new improved newsletter for the Valley. This is a double opt in system which will require you to confirm via e mail that you would like to receive the newsletter.
2007 is going to be a great year at the Valley and I hope you will be part of this memorable year.
Thanks for a great 2006,
Welcome to the New Paradise Valley Resort & Club blog. My name is Sarah and I am the Communications Director at Paradise Valley in Dawsonville Georgia, just north of Atlanta. Paradise Valley is a clothing optional resort. I plan to use this blog to communicate with the members, residents and guests of Paradise Valley. Please feel free to post your questions or comments.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Bartender Ben is leaving the Valley

Seldom in life do you meet a unique individual that is loved by everyone. This is Bartender Ben. His southern expressions, his smile, his willingness to jump in and help out.
Ben moved to the Valley about 5 months ago and if you hear Ben tell the story, you would think he has lived here all his life.
When Ben tells the story about his 1/2 birthday party at Claudette's house, it can bring tears to your eyes. Although Ben loves bartending at the Valley, Ben works full time for a large corporation that is closing their plant here in Atlanta. On Monday Ben received the news that he is being transferred to Indiana.
Now we could all sit around and look gloomy, or we could throw Ben a great party. So with little planning and lots of love, the members, staff and management of Paradise Valley will be holding a wild and crazy going away party for Ben this Saturday in the lodge. The Party starts at 9pm and goes until ???
Join Ben and his friends for a great send off. This will be Ben's last weekend at the Valley.
Try this video, one of the best ever
Normally, I would never post a video link to the Valley blog, but this is just too cute. Make sure and catch the last second.
Monday, August 28, 2006
The Rally In The Valley In Review

The weekend event started off on Friday night, with DJ Karen at the controls. The party was like no other Friday night. It was fun and the energy level was on overdrive. Saturday morning started early with motorcyclist arriving as early as 8 am. The lower parking lot was reserved for bikers and the lot soon filled with chrome trimmed motorcycles. Breakfast was served in the lodge from 8 to 10 am. We had several guests from other area nudist resorts. It was so much fun meeting folks from as far away as North Carolina. Yes, we had a motorcyclist that picked up a flyer while having his bike repaired in North Carolina and drove 5 hours to attend the Rally.
Next year, we are going to have a contest to see who traveled the farthest to attend the Rally.
At 10:30, the bikes took off for a nice fun run (poker run) through the mountains of North Georgia. Everyone had a great time and returned to find a catered lunch waiting in the lodge. After lunch, we hosted several poolside games, including a frozen t-shirt contest. 11 contestants in all, but there was no competition, Linda C. had her t-shirt on in two minutes flat. Great job Linda.
The bike games followed, it was exciting. We played the hot dog on a string contest, water balloon contest, tennis ball on the cones contest and even a hoola hoop contest. We then presented the winners with prizes or trophies. We held a tattoo contest, male & female and a best of show motorcycle contest.
As the evening quieted down, the band started up. Yes, a live band at the Valley. Risky Business played till 1am. Everyone had a great time and can't wait till next years spring event.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Visit Paradise Valley

As the manager of Paradise Valley Resort in Dawsonville, the greatest challenge has been to reach our target market.
How do you let folks know what Paradise Valley is all about. When people first hear clothing optional or nudity, it often brings thoughts of " nudist camps or campgrounds."
Although Paradise Valley started about 30 years ago as Hidden Valley, a nudist campground in North Georgia. Today Paradise Valley is a full service resort, offering a new lodge with a full liquor bar, tennis, three swimming pools, two hot tubs, full service RV hook-ups, camp sites and now condominiums.
The difference with Paradise Valley and other clubs is that we are Clothing Optional, this means you can stay fully dressed or take it all off. It is up to you.
Every Friday and Saturday night, we host parties, with a DJ, in the new lodge. We have billiards, darts, a fashion boutique and satellite TV's on the wall. If you live or travel in North Atlanta, why fight the downtown crowds, try Paradise Valley. The only difference between the lodge at Paradise Valley and a Buckhead bar is that the guests have a choice to dance fully dressed, topless or totally nude.
Our drink prices are less than midtown bars and best of all, after you party, why not take a dip in the heated pool or hot tub?
Here are a few pictures taken this past week at the resort.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Paradise Valley In The News
Paradise Valley Make The News!
Today's Living Section of the AJC.
Here is a link to the article.
Today's Living Section of the AJC.
Here is a link to the article.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Paradise Valley Newsletter 8/09/06
Paradise Valley Resort - Newsletter 08/09/06 - 08/16/06
Friday 8/11 --DJ Karen 9pm - 1 am
Saturday 8/12 --DJ Ann 9pm - 1 am
Sunday 8/13 --Pizza Party 6 - 7 pm
Tuesday 8/15 ComplimentaryPoolside Lunch1pm - 3 pm
Friday 8/18 Party At The Lodge 9pm - 1 am
Saturday 8/19 Poolside PartyJust Be Here!
Saturday 8/19 Couples PartyMore information next week.
Rally In The ValleyWeekend Non-Riders Welcome $21 includes Meals
Please help promote the Rally, tell your friends, tell your neighbors.
Condo Update:The condo units are nearing completion. We have 4 units still available. If you have a deposit on a future unit and would like to discuss moving your reservation to one of the built units, please see Jeff.
Interested in a Massage? Appointments available during the week and on weekends.
1 hour massage $65
Looking to Sell, Looking to Buy.
We will be offering a classified section on our weekly newsletters. Ads will be available for rentals, new and used personal items, like cameras, appliances, cars, etc.
The cost will be very reasonable and you will be able to drop off your ad in the office or e mail Sylvia.
What about personal ads? Looking for that special someone who enjoys the nudist lifestyle?
Special Thanks
I would like to take this opportunity to offer a special thanks to a few members of the Paradise Valley Resort family.
AnnJoy has been publishing the Valley newsletter for several years. She has volunteered her time and energy each week to produce a newsletter to keep the members informed. From this point forward, the newsletter will be handled by Paradise Valley staff and will be incorporated into the new Paradise Valley website currently under construction. The Paradise Valley staff and members appreciate all her efforts and commitment to making the Valley a great place to be.
Barry and AnnJoy have organized events for the past few years, including scheduling, coordinating and following through to make sure the planned events are enjoyed by all the members and guests. Due to the tremendous growth this past year, and the future planned growth for next year, we are currently creating a paid position for an event coordinator at Paradise Valley. The Paradise Valley Resort staff wishes to thank Barry and AnnJoy for all their hard work in making the Valley a special place for everyone to enjoy.
Claude and Nancy have been residents of Paradise Valley for many years. Nancy works full time in Corporate America, but loves to spend her weekends around the pool promoting Paradise Valley. Nancy is known for her poolside giveaways.
Claude is often seen helping and working with Troy, the maintenance man. Many members do not realize that Claude is donating his time and energy to make Paradise Valley a more enjoyable facility. Claude and Nancy are Paradise Valley Ambassadors. Next time you see Claude or Nancy, please take a minute and thank them for all they do for the members and guests of Paradise Valley.
This Week At The Lodge:
Friday Night: DJ Karen will be playing your favorite tunes Friday night in the Lodge from 9 pm till 1 am. If you have a request, please let her know. We now have paper and pens in the Lodge to write down your requests. The DJ will do his or her best to play a selection of music to please the crowd and keep the party going.
Saturday Night: DJ Ann will be spinning the tunes from 9pm till 1 am. If you like to party, don't miss the party this Saturday night. The weather forecast is calling for beautiful weather all weekend long.
Sunday At Paradise: The bar opens at 12:30. The weather is warm and the water is cool, so enjoy the day at the Valley. Sunday evening, we will be hosting a free pizza party from 6 pm till 7 pm. If you are staying for the weekend, please stop in the lodge and enjoy some hot fresh pizza.
Pool Rules:
As manager of the resort, I am always available to talk to members to listen to suggestions, ideas, constructive criticism and complaints. There seems to be three repeated complaints and I would like to address them in this newsletter. Maybe we can all work together to improve the Valley.
Cell Phones vs. Camera Phones: As the manager of the Valley, it is often brought to my attention that members or day guests have cell phones at the pool and could very easily be taking pictures. If you are a member or guest and see any suspicious activity, please report it to management, security or any Paradise Valley staff member quickly. We will be posting new signs concerning our cell phone policy, but we all know those with a hidden agenda do not follow the rules.
If a member or guest is found to have used a camera cell phone to take unauthorized photos on Paradise Valley Resort property, they will be asked to leave and will not return. Please report suspicious activity quickly. It does not help us to receive complaints two days or two weeks later. We need to take quick action to prevent this inappropriate activity.
Reserving Lounge Chairs: Earlier this year there seemed to be some confusion concerning the lounge chair availability. Since the policy was already set for the season when I started as manger and had changed several times, I felt it was better to suspend the current chair cover system and start a new policy next year. We will have a new policy next year in place by December 2006. Signs and rules only work if all the members work together. During the Rally In The Valley and over the
Labor Day weekend, please try your best to only hold or reserve a lounge chair with your towel, if you plan to use it.
Smoking: This is a policy change that needed to be addressed for some time. There is no smoking in the lodge. Members and guests may not smoke under the overhangs or eves of the lodge building. This means smoking on the ledge in front of the Plexiglas windows and the walkway adjacent to the door. Our insurance policy is rated for a non-smoking building. Please follow these requests and help us from needing to post signs here, there and everywhere.
The rules state, "No Smoking In The Pool." This was intended to stop ashes from dropping in the pool water as well as allow members who do not smoke, the opportunity to enjoy the pool smoke free. Recently we have guests and members smoking while sitting on the edge of the pool. I have had members who have explained that sitting on the edge with their feet in the water is not swimming, others have complained that they have smoked in the pool for years, long before I started at the Valley. Either way, the intent of the rule is to allow smokers and non-smokers an enjoyable clothing optional experience.
Again, posting more signs is not the answer, please be courteous to your fellow members and guests. I attended an AANR Florida marketing meeting in June. One repeated complaint about AANR clothing optional clubs seems to be the number of signs. Like the old song lyrics, "Signs, signs, every where a sign." The answer is not signs, the answer is to work together to make your visit to Paradise Valley Resort enjoyable and stress free.
As one very nice member told me, " he comes here to have fun and relax, when visiting the Valley is no longer fun and relaxing, he will stop visiting." We need members and guests, everyone wants to have fun and relax. Please try and make today at the Valley more fun and relaxing than yesterday.
Rally In The Valley:
On August 26th, Paradise Valley will be hosting the 1st Annual Rally In The Valley. This motorcycle event will be designed for riders and non-riders alike. If you have a motorcycle, please bring it to the event. If you don't, but enjoy fun and great food, please plan on attending.
The schedule of events are as follows:
8 am till 10 am - Registration and continental breakfast.
10 am till 10:30 am - Meet and Greet
10:30 am - Fun Run ( a ride through the North Georgia Mountains)
12: 30 pm - Catered lunch in the lodge
2 pm - Bike games on the field
4 pm - Awards - Trophies, prizes and lots of fun. ( Tattoo contest, Most Unique Bike contest, and more)
6:30 pm - Bar-B-Q buffet in the lodge.
8:30 pm - Live music by Risky Business ( Co-sponsored by Skellys Bar & Grill)
Bike and Rider Registration is $29 includes a Bare Cheeks Biker T-ShirtAdditional Passenger Registration is $21
Members and Day Guests $ 21
The above prices include continental breakfast, catered lunch and a Bar-B-Q buffet.
If you know any motorcycle enthusiast, please help spread the word, the Rally In The Valley is August 26th.
The New Valley Website and Newsletter:
Paradise Valley Resort staff will be designing and implementing a new web site in the Fall of 2006. Several changes and improvements will be available. The newsletter will be available on line each week. No need to keep watching your inbox, just click on the new web site and you will see the newsletter link.
Another added feature will be a method to subscribe or unsubscribe to the newsletter. This will all potential guests and web surfers all over the world to join without needing to call the office and ask to be placed on the mailing list.
Looking to Buy or Sell your lot? The new website will feature a real estate page. Currently members who wish to sell their lots or units post signs in front of their lot hoping a guest or member will drive by and see the sign. If you would like to advertise your lot or unit, please contact Jeff or Sylvia in the office.
Friday 8/11 --DJ Karen 9pm - 1 am
Saturday 8/12 --DJ Ann 9pm - 1 am
Sunday 8/13 --Pizza Party 6 - 7 pm
Tuesday 8/15 ComplimentaryPoolside Lunch1pm - 3 pm
Friday 8/18 Party At The Lodge 9pm - 1 am
Saturday 8/19 Poolside PartyJust Be Here!
Saturday 8/19 Couples PartyMore information next week.
Rally In The ValleyWeekend Non-Riders Welcome $21 includes Meals
Please help promote the Rally, tell your friends, tell your neighbors.
Condo Update:The condo units are nearing completion. We have 4 units still available. If you have a deposit on a future unit and would like to discuss moving your reservation to one of the built units, please see Jeff.
Interested in a Massage? Appointments available during the week and on weekends.
1 hour massage $65
Looking to Sell, Looking to Buy.
We will be offering a classified section on our weekly newsletters. Ads will be available for rentals, new and used personal items, like cameras, appliances, cars, etc.
The cost will be very reasonable and you will be able to drop off your ad in the office or e mail Sylvia.
What about personal ads? Looking for that special someone who enjoys the nudist lifestyle?
Special Thanks
I would like to take this opportunity to offer a special thanks to a few members of the Paradise Valley Resort family.
AnnJoy has been publishing the Valley newsletter for several years. She has volunteered her time and energy each week to produce a newsletter to keep the members informed. From this point forward, the newsletter will be handled by Paradise Valley staff and will be incorporated into the new Paradise Valley website currently under construction. The Paradise Valley staff and members appreciate all her efforts and commitment to making the Valley a great place to be.
Barry and AnnJoy have organized events for the past few years, including scheduling, coordinating and following through to make sure the planned events are enjoyed by all the members and guests. Due to the tremendous growth this past year, and the future planned growth for next year, we are currently creating a paid position for an event coordinator at Paradise Valley. The Paradise Valley Resort staff wishes to thank Barry and AnnJoy for all their hard work in making the Valley a special place for everyone to enjoy.
Claude and Nancy have been residents of Paradise Valley for many years. Nancy works full time in Corporate America, but loves to spend her weekends around the pool promoting Paradise Valley. Nancy is known for her poolside giveaways.
Claude is often seen helping and working with Troy, the maintenance man. Many members do not realize that Claude is donating his time and energy to make Paradise Valley a more enjoyable facility. Claude and Nancy are Paradise Valley Ambassadors. Next time you see Claude or Nancy, please take a minute and thank them for all they do for the members and guests of Paradise Valley.
This Week At The Lodge:
Friday Night: DJ Karen will be playing your favorite tunes Friday night in the Lodge from 9 pm till 1 am. If you have a request, please let her know. We now have paper and pens in the Lodge to write down your requests. The DJ will do his or her best to play a selection of music to please the crowd and keep the party going.
Saturday Night: DJ Ann will be spinning the tunes from 9pm till 1 am. If you like to party, don't miss the party this Saturday night. The weather forecast is calling for beautiful weather all weekend long.
Sunday At Paradise: The bar opens at 12:30. The weather is warm and the water is cool, so enjoy the day at the Valley. Sunday evening, we will be hosting a free pizza party from 6 pm till 7 pm. If you are staying for the weekend, please stop in the lodge and enjoy some hot fresh pizza.
Pool Rules:
As manager of the resort, I am always available to talk to members to listen to suggestions, ideas, constructive criticism and complaints. There seems to be three repeated complaints and I would like to address them in this newsletter. Maybe we can all work together to improve the Valley.
Cell Phones vs. Camera Phones: As the manager of the Valley, it is often brought to my attention that members or day guests have cell phones at the pool and could very easily be taking pictures. If you are a member or guest and see any suspicious activity, please report it to management, security or any Paradise Valley staff member quickly. We will be posting new signs concerning our cell phone policy, but we all know those with a hidden agenda do not follow the rules.
If a member or guest is found to have used a camera cell phone to take unauthorized photos on Paradise Valley Resort property, they will be asked to leave and will not return. Please report suspicious activity quickly. It does not help us to receive complaints two days or two weeks later. We need to take quick action to prevent this inappropriate activity.
Reserving Lounge Chairs: Earlier this year there seemed to be some confusion concerning the lounge chair availability. Since the policy was already set for the season when I started as manger and had changed several times, I felt it was better to suspend the current chair cover system and start a new policy next year. We will have a new policy next year in place by December 2006. Signs and rules only work if all the members work together. During the Rally In The Valley and over the
Labor Day weekend, please try your best to only hold or reserve a lounge chair with your towel, if you plan to use it.
Smoking: This is a policy change that needed to be addressed for some time. There is no smoking in the lodge. Members and guests may not smoke under the overhangs or eves of the lodge building. This means smoking on the ledge in front of the Plexiglas windows and the walkway adjacent to the door. Our insurance policy is rated for a non-smoking building. Please follow these requests and help us from needing to post signs here, there and everywhere.
The rules state, "No Smoking In The Pool." This was intended to stop ashes from dropping in the pool water as well as allow members who do not smoke, the opportunity to enjoy the pool smoke free. Recently we have guests and members smoking while sitting on the edge of the pool. I have had members who have explained that sitting on the edge with their feet in the water is not swimming, others have complained that they have smoked in the pool for years, long before I started at the Valley. Either way, the intent of the rule is to allow smokers and non-smokers an enjoyable clothing optional experience.
Again, posting more signs is not the answer, please be courteous to your fellow members and guests. I attended an AANR Florida marketing meeting in June. One repeated complaint about AANR clothing optional clubs seems to be the number of signs. Like the old song lyrics, "Signs, signs, every where a sign." The answer is not signs, the answer is to work together to make your visit to Paradise Valley Resort enjoyable and stress free.
As one very nice member told me, " he comes here to have fun and relax, when visiting the Valley is no longer fun and relaxing, he will stop visiting." We need members and guests, everyone wants to have fun and relax. Please try and make today at the Valley more fun and relaxing than yesterday.
Rally In The Valley:
On August 26th, Paradise Valley will be hosting the 1st Annual Rally In The Valley. This motorcycle event will be designed for riders and non-riders alike. If you have a motorcycle, please bring it to the event. If you don't, but enjoy fun and great food, please plan on attending.
The schedule of events are as follows:
8 am till 10 am - Registration and continental breakfast.
10 am till 10:30 am - Meet and Greet
10:30 am - Fun Run ( a ride through the North Georgia Mountains)
12: 30 pm - Catered lunch in the lodge
2 pm - Bike games on the field
4 pm - Awards - Trophies, prizes and lots of fun. ( Tattoo contest, Most Unique Bike contest, and more)
6:30 pm - Bar-B-Q buffet in the lodge.
8:30 pm - Live music by Risky Business ( Co-sponsored by Skellys Bar & Grill)
Bike and Rider Registration is $29 includes a Bare Cheeks Biker T-ShirtAdditional Passenger Registration is $21
Members and Day Guests $ 21
The above prices include continental breakfast, catered lunch and a Bar-B-Q buffet.
If you know any motorcycle enthusiast, please help spread the word, the Rally In The Valley is August 26th.
The New Valley Website and Newsletter:
Paradise Valley Resort staff will be designing and implementing a new web site in the Fall of 2006. Several changes and improvements will be available. The newsletter will be available on line each week. No need to keep watching your inbox, just click on the new web site and you will see the newsletter link.
Another added feature will be a method to subscribe or unsubscribe to the newsletter. This will all potential guests and web surfers all over the world to join without needing to call the office and ask to be placed on the mailing list.
Looking to Buy or Sell your lot? The new website will feature a real estate page. Currently members who wish to sell their lots or units post signs in front of their lot hoping a guest or member will drive by and see the sign. If you would like to advertise your lot or unit, please contact Jeff or Sylvia in the office.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Rally In The Valley

Join The Fun At Paradise Valley, August 26th.
Paradise Valley Resort will be hosting the 1st annual Motorcycle "Rally In The Valley." If you are not a biker, but would like to attend, the cost is $21. This includes continental breakfast, catered lunch and a Bar-B-Q buffet. We will have a live band on Saturday night at the lodge.
If you are a vendor, we will be offering free booth rent for the 1st Annual Rally In The Valley. For information, please call Jeff or Sylvia in the Paradise Valley Office at 706-265-6110.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Changes at the Valley
In the next few weeks you will see several changes in the method used to send out information. For starters, I will be building a new web site for the Valley. It will be simple, yet informative.
Each week, we will be able to send out a newsletter link, this link will go to a newsletter page on the website that will be updated weekly. Many members have experienced problems receiving the newsletter, this way you will be able to read the newsletter simply by clicking on the new website.
In the meantime, if you have any suggestions for making the weekly newsletter more informative, please let me know.
Paradise Valley will be hosting the "Rally In The Valley." This will be a day of fun and sun.
For one low price, bikers will be welcome into the Valley at 8 am. Coffee and Danish will be served in the Lodge. There will be plenty of time to "meet and greet." Followed by a Poker Bike Run. Participants will return to the Valley for a light catered lunch. Time to enjoy the pools, hot tub, billiards and sun. Saturday evening, participants will enjoy a catered dinner in the lodge, followed by live music.
This will be an event you won't want to miss.
If you ride a motorcycle or know anyone who does, please help spread the word. Participants will receive a free t-shirt.
Looking to help? Looking to volunteer?
Jeff needs some volunteers to help with the "Rally In The Valley" on the 26th. If you are interested in helping, before or on the day of the event, please let Jeff or Sylvia in the office know.
Not a bike rider? We will be offering a package meal pass for the "Rally In The Valley", details in next weeks newsletter.
In appreciation of everyone at the Valley and their continued support of Skelly's over the years,Skelly's, along with Paradise Valley, present Risky Business, one of Atlanta's premier party bands forParadise Valley's first live music night!"
Get ready to dance...... Not only will the Rally In The Valley be so much fun, but Scott & Kelly have graciously agreed to co-host a live band on Saturday night, August 26th. The band is "Risky Business" although, some people refer to the band as "one of Atlanta's best party & dance bands."They play everything from the 70's on up. It's a lot of the same music we play at the dances. All the good dance, fun stuff. Their website is www.riskybiz.us and you can see their playlist and bios on the site.
Each week, we will be able to send out a newsletter link, this link will go to a newsletter page on the website that will be updated weekly. Many members have experienced problems receiving the newsletter, this way you will be able to read the newsletter simply by clicking on the new website.
In the meantime, if you have any suggestions for making the weekly newsletter more informative, please let me know.
Paradise Valley will be hosting the "Rally In The Valley." This will be a day of fun and sun.
For one low price, bikers will be welcome into the Valley at 8 am. Coffee and Danish will be served in the Lodge. There will be plenty of time to "meet and greet." Followed by a Poker Bike Run. Participants will return to the Valley for a light catered lunch. Time to enjoy the pools, hot tub, billiards and sun. Saturday evening, participants will enjoy a catered dinner in the lodge, followed by live music.
This will be an event you won't want to miss.
If you ride a motorcycle or know anyone who does, please help spread the word. Participants will receive a free t-shirt.
Looking to help? Looking to volunteer?
Jeff needs some volunteers to help with the "Rally In The Valley" on the 26th. If you are interested in helping, before or on the day of the event, please let Jeff or Sylvia in the office know.
Not a bike rider? We will be offering a package meal pass for the "Rally In The Valley", details in next weeks newsletter.
In appreciation of everyone at the Valley and their continued support of Skelly's over the years,Skelly's, along with Paradise Valley, present Risky Business, one of Atlanta's premier party bands forParadise Valley's first live music night!"
Get ready to dance...... Not only will the Rally In The Valley be so much fun, but Scott & Kelly have graciously agreed to co-host a live band on Saturday night, August 26th. The band is "Risky Business" although, some people refer to the band as "one of Atlanta's best party & dance bands."They play everything from the 70's on up. It's a lot of the same music we play at the dances. All the good dance, fun stuff. Their website is www.riskybiz.us and you can see their playlist and bios on the site.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Saturday Night at the Valley
Each and every Saturday night at Paradise Valley we host a party. These parties are clothing optional. If you live in the North Atlanta area, or plan to visit, please consider visiting Paradise Valley. So many people remember the old " nudist colonies." Today's clothing optional resorts are nothing like a "nudist colony." The only similarity is that people have the freedom to be free from textile restrictions.
Paradise Valley and Paradise Lakes in Florida offer members and guests the opportunity to wear as little or as much clothing as they feel comfortable. Once you experience sunbathing, swimming and relaxing in the nude, you will find it difficult to go back to wearing a swimsuit. There is nothing sexual about being nude, the enjoyment is about the freedom to enjoy life like it was meant to be.
If you are curious, but not ready to visit the Valley, please feel free to call me at 706-265-6110 and I will be happy to discuss any questions, concerns or issues you might have. Remember, once you visit, you will be back. Members share with me memories of their first visit, so maybe I can share them with you, so you will feel more comfortable.
Enjoy the summer at the Valley.
Paradise Valley and Paradise Lakes in Florida offer members and guests the opportunity to wear as little or as much clothing as they feel comfortable. Once you experience sunbathing, swimming and relaxing in the nude, you will find it difficult to go back to wearing a swimsuit. There is nothing sexual about being nude, the enjoyment is about the freedom to enjoy life like it was meant to be.
If you are curious, but not ready to visit the Valley, please feel free to call me at 706-265-6110 and I will be happy to discuss any questions, concerns or issues you might have. Remember, once you visit, you will be back. Members share with me memories of their first visit, so maybe I can share them with you, so you will feel more comfortable.
Enjoy the summer at the Valley.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Open House July 14th
I receive calls asking about a tour, or calls asking about the resort and my standard answer is, " please, stop by and tour the facility." Well Friday night is your chance to tour the facility with your clothes on. Yes, this Friday, we welcome everyone to visit Paradise Valley Resort between the hours of 6 pm and midnight. Drop by, enjoy snacks in the lodge and talk to the members, meet the staff, see why Paradise Valley is Georgia's best kept secret.
If you would like more information, please call me in the office at 706-265-6110 and I will personally answer your questions. This Friday will be a fun filled evening with no pressure to undress. Bring a bathing suit and take a swim in our pool or just relax in the hot tub.
If you would like more information, please call me in the office at 706-265-6110 and I will personally answer your questions. This Friday will be a fun filled evening with no pressure to undress. Bring a bathing suit and take a swim in our pool or just relax in the hot tub.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Update on Valley Happenings

The summer season is up us. I have been managing the Valley for almost 4 months. During that time we have made several repairs, upgrades and improvements. The first two condo buildings are looking great. The windows are being installed, the siding is going up and the porches are under construction.
I have now added condo sales to my list of duties. So if you are interested in purchasing a condo at the Valley, please call me in the office at 706-265-6110. We have a few units left at pre-construction prices.
Memorial day was so much fun at the Valley. The pools and hot tubs were filled with happy guests absorbing the sun by day and enjoying the dancing at night.
Recently some poolside rules were changed to better accommodate all of our guests. The lot owners chair covers are temporarily removed and no member or guests may reserve a chair overnight by leaving personal belongings on the chair. Each night security will remove all items left poolside and hold for the guests in a lost and found area.
If you have considered visiting Paradise Valley, but have questions or just not sure if nude recreation is for you, please feel free to call me in the office at Paradise Valley to discuss your concerns or visit the resort for a free, no obligation tour.
July 4th looks to be a record weekend at the Valley. Rooms are available at nearby motels and day passes are available. For more information on July 4th weekend activities, please call the Paradise Valley office at 706-265-6110.
Now the big news, Paradise Valley is hosting Paradise Idol, along with our sister clubs, the winner at each club will compete in the fall at the National AANR convention in California. Good fun, Great Prizes for all participants. The contest will be held July 4th weekend. Please watch the blog for more information on the Paradise Idol contest.
As always, the management of Paradise Valley is interested in your feedback. Please let us know your thoughts, comments and suggestions.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Condo Progress

Have you considered buying a condo at Paradise Valley in Dawsonville Georgia? Now is the time. Several units are available at pre-construction prices. Here is a view of the new condos from the lodge.
If you are interested in finding out more on the new condos and the rental program, please call the office at Paradise Valley at 706-265-6110.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Construction Update
Monday, May 01, 2006
5 K race
Saturday's 5 K race was a huge success. Over 100 runners took part in the festivities. I want to thank Janet and her volunteers in helping make this years 5 k run a memorable event. Another 5 K race is planned for the fall. If you missed this years, be sure to register for the fall race.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Don't forget - Saturday April 29, 5 K RUN
Just a quick reminder for all those Georgia men and women. Next Saturday, April 29th is the 5K run at Paradise Valley. If you plan to run in the 5K, please register between 8 am and 9 am on Saturday morning.
Prizes, trophies and refreshments will be provided. Last year was a huge success and we look forward to another fabulous race this year.
Prizes, trophies and refreshments will be provided. Last year was a huge success and we look forward to another fabulous race this year.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Update On The Condos

For those members who have been waiting and watching, the contractors poured the slabs last week, the framing material was delivered this week and the framers started yesterday. At this time the first two units are framed.
Today the floor trusses will be delivered and two framing crews will be working all next week. You should see a roof on both buildings in less than two weeks, provided the rain does not slow us down.
I will be posting pictures of the progress, so check back to my blog often.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Park Model For Sale
Saturday, April 15, 2006
New logo T-Shirts

If you have been following this blog, or if you are a member at Paradise Valley, you must have heard the excitement about the new t-shirts.
Yes, I have ordered bright yellow t-shirts with the new Summer 2006 logo. Each season I will be changing the logo. ( In case you have not figured this out, I am a logo kind of guy) So here is the new Summer 2006 Valley logo.
As mentioned last month, these t-shirts may not be bought in a store, can't order one on line, not even on a late night TV infomercial. The only way to receive a free Summer 2006 Yellow T-shirt is to either win one in a contest or help Jeff spread the word, Jeff's Bringing Fun Back To The Valley.
If you are thinking, what is this guy talking about, just stop in on a weekend at the Valley and see for yourself. Jeff knows how to throw a party, so if you want to be a Party Host, stop in at the office and speak with Jeff.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Friday at the Valley
The weather was perfect on Friday, April 14th. The Valley was busy with day guests and members alike. If you are not a member of Paradise Valley and would like to visit the Valley to take a tour, just look around and see if visiting a clothing optional resort is for you, please feel free to call and schedule your free, no pressure visit. Call Sylva at 706-265-6110.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
The New Condos Are Started

If you have been following the building of the new condo's at the Valley, you will know the first two buildings are started.
On Wednesday the slabs were poured. In total, on Wednesday, over 280 yards of concrete were poured. On Thursday, additional concrete was poured.
Here is a picture of the slab for the new condos. If you have any questions concerning purchasing a condo, please call Elly in the office at 706-265-6110.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Lot 30

Lot 30 has been cleared and gravel put down. This lot will be the home for the log park model currently sitting in the parking lot at the Lodge.
You should see this unit being moved to the permanent lot next week. This lot and park model are for sale at a package. Please call Elly in the office for more details.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Painting At The Valley
Have you noticed we are painting the Valley? Troy and his assistants have been painting the fence, out buildings and picnic tables. The new paint gives the Valley a new look. One member told me that she did not know we had a bridge over the creek until it was freshly painted.
If you have not been back to the Valley in some time, now is a great time to stop in and visit.
If you have not been back to the Valley in some time, now is a great time to stop in and visit.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Units 70 - 75

When guests call the office asking about rental units, there seems to be some confusion as to the location and features of the units. At Paradise Valley we have 6 rental units near the Lodge for nightly rental.
Several years ago, these units were given names and are commonly referred to as the Chalets. These 6 units are situated on Lots 70 - 75.
Each Chalet features satellite TV and a front porch. Here are some pictures of the Chalets we have available for rent at the Valley.
For more information on nightly rentals, please call Sylvia in the office at 706-265-6110.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
New Washer / Dryer
Party Time
If you were at the Lodge on Saturday night, you might have noticed Jeff giving a tour of the facility to a beautiful young lady. Here name is Celeste and she will be hosting an upcoming party at the Valley.
We will be inviting about 20 couples from the Atlanta area. More details will be available next week. Please remember to make all new guests feel welcome and comfortable. We will be giving away t-shirts and prizes during the party.
Check back on this blog for more information.
We will be inviting about 20 couples from the Atlanta area. More details will be available next week. Please remember to make all new guests feel welcome and comfortable. We will be giving away t-shirts and prizes during the party.
Check back on this blog for more information.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Saturday Night at the Valley!

Parti Gras at the Valley
If you travel to New Orleans, you will find the city filled with party goers, looking to enjoy Marti Gras. Yes, it is that time of year already. For those who are not familiar with the story behind Marti Gras, here is some basic information.
Mardi Gras always falls on the Tuesday that is 46 days before Easter. It is always the day before Ash Wednesday, which is the start of Lent.
Carnival refers to the season of revelry before Mardi Gras. It begins officially on January 6th, which is known as Twelfth Night or King's Day, so named because if falls 12 days after Christmas on the day Wise Men are said to have reached Bethlehem.
Here at the Valley, we celebrate Marti Gras, the Valley way. Parti Gras is a special night of dinning, dancing and fun. This years party was hosted by the Valley's own promotional directors, Barry and Annjoy.
If you missed the party on Saturday night, you need to mark your calendar for next year. This year's party included a free buffet provided by Barry and Annjoy of New Orleans specialties.
If you are not a member, you can purchases an evening pass for $25 per couple. So come on out to the Valley for an evening of nude dancing and fun.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Construction Zone

In the past few years, Paradise Valley has added a conversation pool, outdoor hot tub and a 11,000 square foot lodge. Currently Paradise Valley is added condominiums, known as lodges. These units are available for purchase, and my be added to the rental program.
If you are interested in finding out more on the new condos at Paradise Valley in Dawsonville Georgia, please call 706-265-6110 or stop by the office and ask for Elly.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Why No Coolers?

Since taking over as manager of Paradise Valley in Dawsonville Georgia, I have been asked by so many guests why they are no longer allowed to bring coolers into the pool area. The reason is simple, with the addition of the new lodge and the new liquor license, guests are no longer allowed to bring alcoholic beverages into the enclosed pool & lodge area.
In order to control and enforce this county requirement, Paradise Valley has instituted a no cooler policy. Please feel free to enjoy your drinks in your rental unit, but while on the grounds, please respect the " no cooler" policy.
If you have never visited Paradise Valley, stop in and tour the grounds. Let us introduce you to a new way to enjoy life. Please ask for Sylvia or Jeff for a no obligation tour.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
My Day Off

While relaxing and enjoying my day to rest, I spent a moment and reflected on the past week. As many of you have heard, this was not a planned career change, the opportunity was offered to me and I accepted.
In the first week at the Valley, I have revised the policies and procedures for internal operations and controls. made several changes at the lodge, prepared a marketing plan for Paradise Valley and of course, started this blog.
In the next few weeks I hope to do some painting to make the resort look clean and neat, add some signs to assist new guests and start promoting the resort to groups in the Atlanta area.
Please remember, this is your club, your community, please help keep it clean and neat. It will help all of us and make the time we spend at the Valley much more enjoyable.
For all those members who have wished me luck and offered kind words, I thank you and look forward to working with you in the future..
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Massage At Paradise Valley

I have been asked by many guests if I plan to still offer massage therapy this summer at the Valley. The answer is Yes. I plan to be in the main office, near the gate, Monday - Friday and working poolside offering massage and talking to the guests and members on Saturday.
We will also have another massage therapist working with me this summer. The cost for a one hour massage is $65. Appointments are available during the week for massage therapy, please ask at the front desk.
Appointments for poolside massages on the weekends will be handled through the boutique.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Stop and Meet The Manager

As with any change, it takes some time till everything calms down. I have now been on the job for less than a week and things in the office are starting to get on a schedule.
I ordered a sign to put near the gate house that reads, " Please Stop, and Meet The New Manager." I would like for all guests, members and residents to stop and meet me. I would love your comments, feedback and suggestions. Just remember, I am looking forward and not back. I can't change the past, just the way we view the past.
In life, we can shift our views, but we can't go back and re-live yesterday. So lets put the past management and staff behind us and see what we need to do to improve the Valley.
I think we can quickly improve the activities and entertainment at the Valley and have a great time. Lets face it, we are at the Valley to party and have a good time and that is what we will do.
So don't forget, if we have not met, please stop by the office and meet me.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Would You Like To Be A Valley Girl or Couple?

Would you like to be a Valley Girl, Valley Guy or Couple?
As the official Paradise Valley Blogger, I am looking for a few special people who would like to be interviewed for the blog. I am only looking for a few interesting stories, a couple of "G" rated pictures and your first name only.
Maybe you have been a member for more than 10 years and seen the changes, maybe you are new to the Valley, maybe you are new to Georgia. Just a few original stories and pictures to let readers of the blog get a better idea of the mix of members and guests.
If you ever work at the front desk and answer the phone, you will find we receive calls from potential members who are interested, curious and even scared. They just don't know what to expect. So I am looking to share with the " clothing optional curious crowd" what the Valley is all about.
Please stop by the office and speak to Jeff or Sylvia.
New Construction At Paradise Valley

For those members and guests who have heard about the lodges at Paradise Lakes but wondered when they would be built. The time has come. Construction has begun. The contractor has prepared the site, the curbs and gutters are all poured and the water and sewer lines are being installed. I expect the gravel for the roadbed to arrive this week.
From what I have seen, the contractor is doing a great job and his job superintendent is on site each and every day. I am sure the new units will be the talk of the resort. If you are interested in purchasing a unit, either for personal use, investment or both, contact Elly at Paradise Valley at 706-265-6110.
These units overlook the pool and lodge and will be in walking distance to everything. If you are interested in the new units, call Elly and tell her you read about the lodges on Jeff's blog.
Hope to see you at the Valley in the near future. Remember, were bringing the fun back to the Valley.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
The Pool and Lodge At Paradise Valley

( Picture of the main pool and lodge)
A few years ago, the owners of Paradise Valley built a new 11,000 square foot lodge. The lodge is beautiful inside, with a large stone fireplace, wood ceilings, and a state of the art dance floor with lights and speakers. The lodge is famous for its long, wood bar. Lisa the bartender will pour you a drink while you watch the members dancing in the lodge or the nude guests and members splashing in the pool.
As with all improvements and changes, due to Dawson County liquor laws, no beverages may be brought into the pool area or lodge. So in order to comply with this ordinance, there is a strictly enforced " NO COOLER" policy in the pool area.
Also, no beverages may be carried past the gate as you exit the pool area.
Since this seemed to cause some confusion and problems last summer, I ordered signs and plan to install them this week that clearly state "No Coolers Allowed in the pool area" and " No beverages allowed outside the gate area."
I hope these professional looking signs will clear up any confusion with the drink policy.
Funny thing is, I have heard complaints from members that they liked the olden days when you could save money and bring your own alcoholic drinks. Maybe I am missing something, but you would never think about bringing your drink or food from home to a restaurant like Longhorn to save money. It is a package deal, enjoy the pools, enjoy the air-conditioned lodge with satellite TV and respect the local liquor laws. This will go a long way to improving your experiences at the Valley.
By the way, the resort offers an indoor pool, an out-door pool, an out-door hot tub and a large heated conversation pool. If you would like to visit Paradise Valley for a day and see for yourself, call Sylvia at the Valley at 706-265-6110 and tell her you read this on Jeff's blog and you will be my guest for the day.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Food Service At The Valley

( photo of the restaurant)
As the new manager of Paradise Valley, I am excited to report that one of the members, Bill, has made arrangements with the owners to operate the restaurant. Bill has tremendous restaurant & catering experience as well as knowledge of the Valley.
I can't tell you how excited I am to have Bill operating the restaurant. He prepared a special meal for a Valentine's Day party and the comments from the members are exciting. Everyone was so happy with the meal and can't wait for Bill to open for the season.
My estimate is that the restaurant will be open for business by the 17th of March. I spoke with Bill concerning a special meal package plan. If you recall many years ago, major hotels and resorts offered an American plan or a European plan or a modified European plan.
I hope to be able to share with you a package plan, offering accommodations for two nights, Dinner on Friday night, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner on Saturday, followed by a fun filled party in the lodge, and of course, Breakfast on Sunday morning.
All this fun and excitement for one low price. Stay tuned for details.
If you plan to visit Paradise Valley, please stop in and enjoy the food at the restaurant. The food is great and the prices are reasonable.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
My First Day As Manager

( Picture of the new lodge at Paradise Valley in Dawsonville Georgia)
When I was asked by Joe, the owner of Paradise Valley to become the next General Manager of the Valley, I was not sure what to say. I am a massage therapist and I worked at the Valley last summer. Everyone at the pool looked like they were having a great time, but the mood was just not right.
I heard mixed comments. Some long time members were unhappy with the improvements, others were unhappy with the new "no cooler" policy. And others were visiting for the first time and felt they really had found paradise. The mix of energy levels at the resort was disturbing.
So when Joe asked me to be the next manager, I was not sure what to do. I love the concept of a clothing optional resort in the North Georgia Mountains, I loved the new improvements and I felt I could offer the resort and its members, stability and professionalism.
I knew I could do a good job for the owners, but I had my concerns, since I remember hearing comments poolside last summer. So I agreed to take the role of manager with one condition. My only demand was that we require everyone involved with the Valley to respect and honor my forward thinking policy Either you are part of the solution, or part of the problem.
As I was driving in to the resort on Wednesday, my first full day on the job, I started thinking about why guests and members visit Paradise Valley. What is the motivating factor?
First of all, there are several nudist / clothing optional choices in the area. Secondly, if clothing optional is not the major reason, there are over 50 lodging choices within 30 miles of Paradise Valley.
The obvious reason people come to Paradise Valley is the ability to swim and party in the nude. Most clothing optional resorts in America do not have the ability to sell liquor.
Guests are not traveling to Paradise Valley for the lodging accommodations, if that was the most important item on their travel plans, they would stay at the Ritz or the Four Seasons in downtown Atlanta.
Guests are not coming to Paradise Valley for fine dining with white linen table clothes. If that is what they are looking for, they would visit Atlanta and dine at one of the Buckhead Life Group Restaurants, like Blue Point.
It was clear to me that guests and members are coming to Paradise Valley to enjoy the sunshine in the nude, to swim in a large pool nude ( leave the swimsuit at home) , and to meet and party with like minded couples and singles.
So my first order of business is to focus on the members needs, including the pool-side activities and the evening parties. At the Valley, we are very lucky to have a couple who donates their time and energy, promoting the Valley and coordinating the entertainment. This couple writes a weekly newsletter for the Valley, so if you are interested in Paradise Valley and you are not receiving their newsletter, please let me know and I will be sure you are added to the list.
Ok, so my first day on the job, the water lines connected to the well broke. I had planned to meet with staff, work on the computer and learn the policies and procedures. Instead I had my first hands on experience at the Valley, fixing and repairing the water lines.
I enjoyed meeting so many members and residents. A special thanks to Claude for assisting in the water repair.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Bringing The Fun Back To The Valley!

Yes, we are bringing fun back to the Valley, Paradise Valley in Dawsonville Georgia. For those who did not realize we have a clothing optional resort in North Georgia, or who have not visited the Valley since the name change, here is the history behind Paradise Valley.
In 1978, nestled in the North Georgia Mountains, a dream was born. Located on 110 acres of wooded creek-side mountain property, Hidden Valley opened their doors to nudist and sun-worshipers alike. A few years ago, the owners of Paradise Lakes in Florida purchased Hidden Valley and changed the name to Paradise Valley. For all of us who have a special place in our heart for Hidden / Paradise Valley, we affectionately call it " The Valley."
Over the past few years, the Valley has undergone many changes. It has grown from a RV/campground to a full fledge resort. The owners have build an 11,000 square foot lodge which houses a complete liquor bar, dance floor and state of the art sound system. The lodge also is home to a unique boutique, featuring club fashions that you will only find at the Valley.
This could not have happened without the help, assistance and support of its members and residents. The valley is home to many faithful and friendly members. Each weekend you will see these proud members working on their units and on their tans. ( without lines of course)
In 2006 Paradise Valley is proud to announce the addition of two new multi-family lodges. These lodges are 8 units each and are being sold as condominiums. Owners will be able to place their units on a rental program when they are not using them.
So you might ask why a blog and why the title for this blog.
Paradise Clubs ( the Valley in Georgia and the Lakes in Florida) has a wonderful web site for both resorts. http://www.paradiselakes.com/ This site is designed to give the viewer information on the resorts, including prices and directions. As the new manager of Paradise Valley, I want the viewers of this blog to get a feel for the fun and caring atmosphere at the Valley. I want readers to have a chance to ask questions and receive honest and genuine feedback from guests and members, not only from management.
If you have considered visiting a clothing optional resort, you must have questions and concerns. This site will allow you to " get a feel for the resort" before you drive through the main gate.
Also, during the past few years, the Valley has experienced several staff and management changes. Although this is common with ownership changes and major improvements to any business, the members are ready for a long-term manager. I come to the Valley with extensive resort and hospitality management experience. I am here to make sure all guests and members have a safe, fun filled enjoyable stay. My goal is to bring the fun back to the Valley.
If you wish to make a comment or ask a question, please feel free. If you have a complaint or concern, please feel free to e mail me directly. I answer all e mails personally.
Welcome To Paradise!
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