( Picture of the main pool and lodge)
A few years ago, the owners of Paradise Valley built a new 11,000 square foot lodge. The lodge is beautiful inside, with a large stone fireplace, wood ceilings, and a state of the art dance floor with lights and speakers. The lodge is famous for its long, wood bar. Lisa the bartender will pour you a drink while you watch the members dancing in the lodge or the nude guests and members splashing in the pool.
As with all improvements and changes, due to Dawson County liquor laws, no beverages may be brought into the pool area or lodge. So in order to comply with this ordinance, there is a strictly enforced " NO COOLER" policy in the pool area.
Also, no beverages may be carried past the gate as you exit the pool area.
Since this seemed to cause some confusion and problems last summer, I ordered signs and plan to install them this week that clearly state "No Coolers Allowed in the pool area" and " No beverages allowed outside the gate area."
I hope these professional looking signs will clear up any confusion with the drink policy.
Funny thing is, I have heard complaints from members that they liked the olden days when you could save money and bring your own alcoholic drinks. Maybe I am missing something, but you would never think about bringing your drink or food from home to a restaurant like Longhorn to save money. It is a package deal, enjoy the pools, enjoy the air-conditioned lodge with satellite TV and respect the local liquor laws. This will go a long way to improving your experiences at the Valley.
By the way, the resort offers an indoor pool, an out-door pool, an out-door hot tub and a large heated conversation pool. If you would like to visit Paradise Valley for a day and see for yourself, call Sylvia at the Valley at 706-265-6110 and tell her you read this on Jeff's blog and you will be my guest for the day.
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